Frequently Asked Questions Top FAQs Can I get meth out of my system quickly for a drug test? What is a drug? How does cannabis use affect your mental health? What does methamphetamine look like? What signs do you look for to detect if someone may be using drugs? How to stay safe from dangers of drugs What are the short and long-term effect of drugs on the body and mind? Search by topic / keyword / question Submit Search Filter by Drug Type Select a Category What is ecstasy? What else can ecstasy be called? How is ecstasy taken? How pure is ecstasy? What are the short term and long term effects of ecstasy? How does ecstasy use affect the brain? Can you become dependent on ecstasy? How long does it take for ecstasy to leave the body? How does ecstasy affect the ability to regulate body temperature? What about ecstasy and the law? What are the risks of using ecstasy when pregnant or breastfeeding? How is ecstasy used? What else can ecstasy be called? Can't find the answer you were looking for? * Required Please enter your question in the box on the right. * Email * Re-enter email * Human verification * Find it here